What is Creation Kidz?
Creation Kidz is a program for kids ages pk-5th grade. We believe that children are precious, children are one of a kind, God has a purpose for each child, and children want a purpose for their lives. Your child will learn basic life skills such as teamwork, caring for others, and respecting God's Word.
When is Creation Kidz?
Creation Kidz is offered at two different times at HLWC. It is offered as it's own program, Thursday 6-7:30PM (only during the HL school calendar). And it is offered again on Sunday Morning during our Church service at 10AM.
What do we promise at Creation Kidz?
We promise:
1. Each CK staff will have a background check completed every 2 years.
2. Each CK staff will have training regarding child safety and procedures for each ministry.
3. Each child will have supervision at all times.
4. Your child will learn about Jesus Christ.
5. We will create a loving and caring atmosphere.
6. Our program will have a nut free snack provided, and will have a gluten free option.
Who do I contact with more questions?
You may contact Pastor Charity Thompson, HLWC's Children's Pastor.
(989) 965-3493 or (989) 366-9113 ext. 203.